1615 N. Vermont Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90027

Radical Agreement: Connecting with Your Scene Partner

Class Description: The best improvisers are attentive listeners who effortlessly make their scene partners look good. This class will tackle active listening, confident agreement, and enthusiastic acceptance of your scene partner's ideas, so that your scenes are funny right away... instead of not at all.

Wed Apr 23 6:30pm-9pm (NYC)
Wed Apr 30 6:30pm-9pm

$70 USD
Class size: 14

Cre8tive NYC
134 w. 29th St. Floor 2
NYC NY 10001

You must log in to enroll or join the wait list.

Teacher: Achilles Stamatelakey

About Achilles Stamatelakey: Achilles is a writer, director, and performer. He is a veteran of UCBT New York and was formerly the Associate Artistic Director. Shows include ASSSSCAT 3000, Airwolf, Harold Night, and Maude Night. He is also a screenwriter (Broad City, MTV, Broadway Video) and has appeared in many national commercials. Achilles is a long-time improv and sketch teacher and has taught TV pilot writing at NYU. He is a member of WGA East and SAG-AFTRA.

How This Works

  • You'll get an address in your enrollment email. Online classes are on Zoom.
  • REFUND POLICY: Full refund if you drop 24 hours before start of class.
  • Discounts: We sometimes offer discounts on last-minute spots for those in financial need.