2 Person Scenes with Notes
Class Description: No bells and whistles, just scenes. This workshop will help you get those scene reps in while being guided by an experienced improv teacher. I want to work with and hear your input to make sure we’re working on the things that you as an improviser would like to get more experience with. PAY WHAT YOU CAN.
Mon Sep 27, 2021 5pm-7pm (PDT)
Pay what you can
Class size: 8
Current time zone is: America/Los_Angeles. You can set your own time zone if you like.
This workshop has started or is in the past.

About Ronnie Adrian: Originally from South Carolina, Ronnie is now a performer based out of Los Angeles. He performs in cities all around the country and you can often catch him with his various groups most notably The Dragons and The Big Team. He does other things besides comedy but this is a comedy bio so he’ll keep it to himself.
How This Works
- You'll get an address in your enrollment email. Online classes are on Zoom.
- REFUND POLICY: Full refund if you drop 24 hours before start of class.
- Discounts: We sometimes offer discounts on last-minute spots for those in financial need.