Get Focus: And Give it, Too
Class Description: When you're playing online, or in-person, giving and taking focus can be a challenge. Think about that group scene when everyone starts talking at once... what happens then? What about making an edit move that doesn't use words or visual actions? Being able to take focus effectively (and give it when your scene partner needs it) is an important skill. Learn to use your energy and intent to make your moves clear when you want to take focus, and learn how to gracefully give it too. Learn special techniques about how to do this online, too, where it's just as important and can be a unique but worthwhile challenge.
Sat Feb 17, 2024 10am-12pm (PST)
$40 USD
Class size: 9
Current time zone is: America/Los_Angeles. You can set your own time zone if you like.
This workshop has started or is in the past.

About Jake Regal: Jake is an actor and improviser with 15 years experience performing at the UCB Theatre in Los Angeles. He's a member of the long-running team Cardinal Redbird. He has taught improv workshops at UCB and theatres around the country. Recent screen appearances include "The Offer," "Hollywood," and "The Sex Lives of College Girls." He was also a member of the nationally renowned ensemble Mission: IMPROVable and he WILL teach you short-form if you ask nicely.
How This Works
- You'll get an address in your enrollment email. Online classes are on Zoom.
- REFUND POLICY: Full refund if you drop 24 hours before start of class.
- Discounts: We sometimes offer discounts on last-minute spots for those in financial need.