Fuck Shit Up & Make it Worse
Class Description: Scenes are sometimes too nice. Sometimes we're just too polite. We're afraid to fuck things up. To be bad. To be weird. To be woefully incorrect. To be wildly wrong. To confess or accept you did, indeed, do that bad thing.
This class will teach you to not be as nice or polite, and you'll mess things up and keep doing so to make it all a lot worse. You left that peanut butter and jelly sandwich on the passenger seat of the car, but by the end of the scene it's hanging off the edge of the wharf tied up in a giant fishing net with your favorite signed Hoobastank CD in the glove box. Or whatever. One thing will lead to another and another.
Mind your manners? Save it for real life. You're only making it a lot worse in these scenes.
Wed Jan 10, 2024 5pm-7pm (PST)
Wed Jan 17, 2024 5pm-7pm
Wed Jan 24, 2024 5pm-7pm
Wed Jan 31, 2024 5pm-7pm
$160 USD
Class size: 9
Current time zone is: America/Los_Angeles. You can set your own time zone if you like.
This workshop has started or is in the past.

About Sebastian Conelli: Sebastian Conelli is a comedian and improviser in Brooklyn, CT. He's a longtime performer and teacher from the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre. Among his many terrific shows and teams, he was a member of The Stepfathers, The Enemy and Slamball. He's also a regular performer in the NYC-based show Raaatscraps. He co-hosts the hit podcast Loud About Nothing with fellow comedian/improviser Robbie Nunes.
How This Works
- You'll get an address in your enrollment email. Online classes are on Zoom.
- REFUND POLICY: Full refund if you drop 24 hours before start of class.
- Discounts: We sometimes offer discounts on last-minute spots for those in financial need.