Improv Shenanigans
Clubhouse Fridays / photo by Andrew Sproge

World's Greatest Improv School

Improv Grad School

WGIS (the World's Greatest Improv School) is both an undergraduate (3 levels) and graduate level improv school. You do not need to have taken WGIS classes to take them. We accept experience from any long-form improv school.

Featured Classes

Pretty Flower

Los Angeles

Joel Spence

Tuesdays 7pm - Enroll

Advanced Harold


Monika Smith

Tuesdays 11am - Enroll

Get To The Flow

New York City

Shannon O'Neill

Mondays 7pm - Enroll

Three Campuses



Zoom and Twitch
ClassesShows and Jams


New York, NY


To stay up to the date join one of our online communities and discussion groups. We have a Facebook group and a Discord channel and a weekly mailing list. For more details on those, check out our community page.

Sunday Drop-Ins

The World's Greatest Improv Drop-In is a series of workshops and classes led by Mike McLendon (WGIS, UCB, Second City, iO) and other guest teachers from the Los Angeles comedy community. Open to all levels, the drop-in is a pay as you go class. Each week will focus on a specific skill or lesson. Students do not have to pre-register. Just show up. Sunday mornings, 10am-noon, The Clubhouse. Details on our LA shows page.

Sunday Drop-In

Mailing List

If you want to know about classes the minute they go online, join the mailing list.

You are NOT automatically put on the mailing list when you take a workshop.

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