Creating Confident Characters

Location: Anthony Meindl Studios
905 Cole Ave
Los Angeles CA 90038
See class description for room number.

Sat Sep 30, 2023 12pm-3pm (LA)

$25 USD
Class size: 14

This workshop has started or is in the past.

Class Description: Learn to play a wide-range of characters with confidence. First. we'll run a series of games and exercises to help you feel comfortable playing characters. Then, we'll run a bunch of two-person scenes and get in loads of reps. This workshop will help you stretch your character muscles.
Class will meet in Room B.
Teacher: Cara Popecki

About Cara Popecki: Cara is an improviser, writer, and former classroom teacher. With over 10 years of teaching experience, she has a unique ability to draw out the best in improvisers. She blends her professional expertise in pedagogy and curriculum design with her passion for improv. She believes in guiding students to those “light bulb” moments through questions and collaboration. She has previously taught improv at The Washington Improv Theater, The National Conservatory for Dramatic Arts, and online via Caracters Improv School. She has done improv training through Washington Improv Theater, UCB, Groundlings, and Second City, to name a few. You can catch her performing with her current improv teams Glass Clown and Worm Girlfriend. Learn more at

How This Works

  • You'll get an address in your enrollment email. Online classes are on Zoom.
  • REFUND POLICY: Full refund if you drop 24 hours before start of class.