Level 2: Organic Core

Location: Anthony Meindl Studios
905 Cole Ave
Los Angeles CA 90038
See class description for room number.

Sat Nov 4, 2023 12pm-3pm (LA)
Sat Nov 11, 2023 12pm-3pm
Sat Nov 18, 2023 12pm-3pm
Sat Dec 2, 2023 12pm-3pm
Sat Dec 9, 2023 12pm-3pm
Sat Dec 16, 2023 12pm-3pm
   Show: Sat Dec 16, 2023 6:30pm-7:30pm (Howard Fine Studio)

$260 USD
Class size: 14

This workshop has started or is in the past.

Class Description: Learn to do intermediate level improv scenes. "Organic" means doing scenes just off of a suggestion. It means starting from nothing. You will use strategies like: confessions, gifting, real life inspirations, framing to build small decision into grand scenes. You will also learn things like the gentle yes, voice of reason and justification to learn more about a scene as it is happening. This is the stepping stone to doing great scenes with zero set up. (No class Nov 25th) Class will be in Room A.
Teacher: Will Hines

About Will Hines: Will has been teaching long-form improv since 2004 at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre, at both its New York and Los Angeles branches. He's published a best-selling book on improv called How to Be The Greatest Improviser on Earth. He's also a working comedic actor and has appeared on many terrific television programs (Brooklyn 99) and on some big podcasts (Comedy Bang-Bang) as well as the 99 podcasts he's produced himself (including Screw It We're Just Gonna Talk about the Beatles) He's also the founder of the audaciously-named World's Greatest Improv School.

How This Works

  • You'll get an address in your enrollment email. Online classes are on Zoom.
  • REFUND POLICY: Full refund if you drop 24 hours before start of class.